Sustainable Retirement Income Streams

Sustainable Retirement Income Streams

If you’re like most people in the U.S., you’re probably looking for ways to generate income that will last a lifetime. You’ve probably heard about the importance of having a sustainable retirement income stream. But what does that mean? How do you build one? What’s the difference between an annuity and a pension plan? And why do so many people fail at their attempts to create long-term streams of retirement income without going broke?

The importance of knowing your investment goals

Knowing your goals is the first step to creating a sustainable income stream.

Knowing your goals helps you to set realistic expectations, and can help you plan for the future. It also helps make better investment decisions because it gives you a clear idea of what kind of return on investment (ROI) you’re looking for, which will help determine how much risk is involved in generating that ROI.


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Benefits and Cons of a Life Estate

Benefits and Cons of a Life Estate

If you’re thinking about buying a home, but don’t want to deal with the financial burden of a mortgage in the future, consider purchasing a life estate. A life estate deed gives partial ownership of a property to an heir when the parent who set up the trust passes away. This is especially useful for couples who want to live together but don’t want marriage or for people who have passed away and left behind debt.

Complete control over home

A life estate gives you complete control over a home. If you own a life estate, no one can sell, rent or change the property without your permission. You can live in the home as long as you want to and have complete control over its upkeep and maintenance.

This type of ownership also means that if any disputes arise between co-owners (such as when one person wants to sell …

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