It is nice to know that there is a good substitute to real money. You can always shop without actually worrying about the amount of money that you can carry in a particular time. Credit cards are actually a big help especially to those individual that don’t carry real money all the time. However, there is only one thing that prevents them from using their plastic cards – the skyrocketing interest rates.
There are plenty of tempting offers that the credit card companies give their clients in order to maintain their business in a good state. Sometimes you will see it in your television, hear it on the radio and even read it on your paper and see it on the internet – 0 interest credit cards. This is a very catchy offer especially to those who are addicted to shopping. What then is a 0 interest credit card and how does it actually work?
0 interest credit cards are just like your normal cards. The only thing that makes it very interesting is that you can enjoy shopping for a certain period of time without worrying about having to pay interest rates. The question is “is this good?” It is certainly good but be warned that not all card companies offer this kind of opportunity. Normally, after getting the 0 interest card, you can enjoy shopping from at least 3 months up to 6 months. There are times that the offer extends up to almost a year. After that period, you would have to pay the interest charged on every item you bought using that card.
There are few expert shoppers that offer sound advice for those people who want to maximize their shopping using their 0 interest cards. First of all, you should know the period when the 0 interest promo period in your card expires. After knowing it, you can now enjoy your shopping for selected items that the 0 interest promo period covers. Take note that not all items are guaranteed to be included on the 0 interest coverage. As mentioned earlier, not all card companies have the same offer.
Next is that before the expiration of your 0 interest cards, you must immediately notify the card company that you are terminating your card so that could get a new one. Of course, you should not indicate that the reason you are terminating is that you want another 0 interest card. Before terminating your card, make sure that you are cleared before getting the next 0 interest credit card.
0 interest credit cards have indeed been one of the most abused and misused transaction tools these days. However, you cannot deny that having a 0 interest credit card is beneficial. All you have to do is to maximize it, clear your financial obligations because if you are not yet cleared from your previous card company, then sad to say, you cannot apply for another one unless you have fulfilled that obligation. In the end, only you could determine whether or not you would need to have another 0 interest credit card.