If you are like most people, your finances is not where you want them to be at the moment. Some people spend their time worrying about how they will get their finances in order and forget to enjoy what they already have.
Yes! Your finances is important and you should work hard to get it under control, but spending your time worrying will not help you. Achieving your financial goals will not happen over night, it will take time. As long as you continue to give it your best and complete your short term goals, success will come. In the mean time try to enjoy your life. One of the worst mistake you can make it leaving entertainment out of your budget. We are human and we need to laugh and have fun.
The only time you should have your finances on your mind is when it is time to deal with them. When you get your check, when you are paying your bills or when you are allocating your savings, the rest of the time should be spent having fun with your family and friends.
If you have a hobby make time for it, if you don’t then find something you love and do it. If it cost money, work it into your budget, if it is expensive save for it. Spending time with your family should be a priority over everything, do not let money stop you from having fun. Save for a family vacation, if money is tight, have one every other year instead of every year. If you can not afford to go to the movies rent a movie and watch it at home together, do not cut out entertainment completely for yourself and your family, it will never work.
Life is short and you cannot take your money with you when you die. Spending your time worrying about money will only make your life shorter and miserable. Go out and enjoy what you have and stop killing your self worrying about what you don’t have. What are you waiting for, GO!